Withered Hand + A Singer of Songs: folk internacional "made in Barcelona"

Dilluns, 22 de Gener de 2018

Withered Hand i A Singer of Songs han aplegat esforços per publicar un EP conjunt de cançons acústiques i íntimes. Dos músics anglosaxons residents a Barcelona explorant noves fórmules per donar a conèixer la seva música. 01 Dan Auerbach - "King of a one horse town" 02 Fleet Foxes - "Kept woman" 03 Fleet Foxes - "White winter hymnal" 04 Mazoni - "Vindré com una plaga" 05 4hiverns - "La gran festa" 06 Falciots Ninja - "Com fa tothom" 07 Withered Hand + A Singer of Songs - "After the rain" 08 Withered Hand + A Singer of Songs - "Wishes gone" 09 Dee Dee Bridgewater - "Hound dog" 10 Joan Miquel Oliver - "Nins a tobogans" 11 John Moreland - "No glory in regret" 12 Sean Rowe - "Newton's cradle" 13 Cameron Avery - "Whoever said gambling's for suckers"

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