Cançons per escoltar quan estàs trist

Dimarts, 15 de Septembre de 2020

Si tens un nus a gola i no saps com treure-te'l, aquí tens un grapat de cançons tristes i precioses alhora. Són totes teves, fes-les servir i desfoga't, coi, que plorar és terapèutic. 01 Death Cap for Cutie - "A lack of color" 02 Elliott Smith - "Twilight" 03 Sparklehorse - "Sad and beautiful world" 04 Randy Newman - "I think it's going to rain today" 05 Beth Orton - "I wish I never saw the sunshine" 06 Nick Drake - "Things behind the sun" 07 Amy Winehouse - "Wake up alone" 08 Phoebe Bridgers - "You missed my heart" 09 Iron & Wine - "Sodom, South Georgia" 10 Maria Jaume - "Terra banyada" 11 Bon Iver - "re: stacks

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