Cançons per capbussar-te

Dimarts, 31 de Maig de 2022

Si estàs fart del soroll que t'envolta o no en tens prou de remullar-te les cames a la platja, com fan les padrines, et proposem una solució dràstica i refrescant: capbussa't dins l'aigua del mar i gaudeix de la calma subaquàtica. 01 Bob Esponja - "Square pants" 02 The Go-Betweens - "Dive for your memory" 03 PJ Harvey - "Down by the water" 04 Sugar - "A good idea" 05 The Decemberists - "Down by the water" 06 Modest Mouse - "Ocean breaths salty" 07 Frightened Rabbit - "Floating in the forth" 08 The Sugarcubes - "Water" 09 Kate Bush - "Under ice" 10 Morrissey - "Lifgeguard sleeping, girl drowning" 11 Radiohead - "Wierd fishes/Arpeggi" 12 Explosions In The Sky - "Six days at the bottom of the ocean" 13 The Beatles - "Octopus's garden"

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