Toc de Queda - "Franctiradors dels setanta. 02"

Dissabte, 03 de Desembre de 2022

01. Tom WAITS: "Grapefruit Moon" (1973) 02. Randy NEWMAN: "Lonely at the Top" (1972) 03. Chris BELL: "I Don't Know" (1975/1992) 04. Al KOOPER: "Back on My Feet" (1971) 05. Al KOOPER: "Nightmare #5" (1971) 06. Tim BUCKLEY: "Dolphins" (1973) 07. Nick DRAKE: "One of These Things First" (1971) 08. Nick DRAKE: "Hazey Jane II" (1971) 09. Iain MATTHEWS: "These Days" (1973) 10. George HARRISON: "If Not For You" (1970) 11. David BOWIE: "Rock'n'Roll With Me" (1974)

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