33 revolucions 6x20 - 'Encara més trompetes' 18/02/19

Dimarts, 19 de Febrer de 2019

18/02/19. Una altra edició del 33 dedicada... a les trompetes. El tercer (i darrer, ho prometo) dels tres programes que hem dedicata aquest incomprès i sovint maltractat instrument que ha estat i és, latrompeta. 1. Bruce Springsteen& The E-Street Band – Meeting Across The River (1975) 2. Hugh Mesekela –Grazing In The Grass (1968) 3. Tom Jones – Is NotUnusual (1965) 4. Curtis Mayfield –Move On Up (1970) 5. Stevie Wonder – Sir Duke(1976) 6. Tower Of Power – WhatIs Hip (1973) 7. Lighthouse - One FineMorning (1971) 8. The Band – Don’t DoIt (1972) 9. Chicago - Make MeSmile (1970) 10. Fleetwood Mac – Tusk(1979) 11. Electric Flag -Killing Floor (1968) 12. Alice Cooper – UnderMy Wheels (1971) 13. Aerosmith – Same OldSong And Dance (1974) 14. The Specials – GhostTown (1981) 15. Pedro Vargas – ElRey (1975) 16. Willy DeVille – HeyJoe (1992) 17. Peter Gabriel –Sledgehammer (1986) 18. Sloan – EverythingYou’ve Done Wrong (1996) 19. Cake – I willSurvive (1996)

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