33 revolucions 9×04: "I gotta have more cowbell!"

Dissabte, 29 d'Octubre de 2022

Quantes cançons coneixeu on hi soni un esquellot? En aquest 33 descobrireu un bon grapat de temes que ja coneixíeu però on no us havíeu adonat, potser, que hi sonava. Així que prepareu-vos perquè... WE GOTTA HAVE MORE COWBELL! 1. Blue Öyster Cult - Don't Fear the Reaper(1976) 2. Queens Of The Stone Age – Little Sister(2005) 3. Guns N’ Roses – Nightrain (1987) 4. Def Leppard - Rock of Ages (1983) 5. Nazareth - Hair of the Dog (1975) 6. Rainbow – Still I’m Sad (1975) 7. War - Low Rider (1975) 8. Mountain - Mississippi Queen (1970) 9. Creedence Clearwater Revival – Down OnThe Corner (1969) 10. The Rolling Stones – Honky Tonk Women(1969) 11. The Chambers Brothers – Time Has ComeToday (1966) 12. The Beatles - You Can’t Do That (1964) 13. Rage Against The Machine – Killing InThe Name (1991)

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