Per molts anys, Carole King

Divendres, 09 de Febrer de 2024

Avui és l'aniversari d'una de les grans dames de la música americana. Per celebrar-ho, sentirem les seves millors cançons i les de col·legues de feina com Joni Mitchell, Bonnie Raitt i Linda Ronstadt. Foto: Rob Corder. 01 Carole King - "No easy way down" 02 Carole King - "Sweet seasons" 03 Carole King - "I feel the earth move" 04 Carole King - "It's too late" 05 Carole King - "You've got a friend" 06 Carole King - "Where you lead" 07 Carole King - "(You make me feel like) a natural woman" 08 Carole King - "Bitter with the sweet" 09 Carly Simon - "You're so vain" 10 Linda Rondstadt - "Blue bayou" 11 Judy Collins - "Both sides now" 12 Joni Mitchell - "Big yellow taxi" 13 Bonnie Raitt - "I can't make you love me"

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