The War and Treaty, el matrimoni incendiari
Dilluns, 24 de Febrer de 2025
La parella formada per Michael Trotter Jr. i Tania Trotter constitueix una família dedicada en cos i ànima al blues més incendiari. Acaben de publicar "Plus one", un extens disc que no deixa ni un segon per respirar. 01 The War and Treaty - "Called you by your name" 02 The War and Treaty, Billy Strings - "Drink from me" 03 The War and Treaty - "I can't let you go" 04 D.K. Harrell - "The right man" 05 Sonny Gullage - "Go be free" 06 Jeremie Albino - "Rolling down the 406" 07 Eddie 9V - "Saratoga" 08 Lulu and the Broadsides - "That's a pretty good love" 09 Rob Picazo - "Wall to wall" 10 The James Hunter Six - "I don't wanna be without you" 11 Marc Broussard - "I'd rather drink Muddy Water" 12 C.W. Stoneking - "The love me or die" 13 A.J. Croce - "I got a feeling" 14 Lluís Coloma, Blue Lou Marini - "We like to groove!"