Sonic reducer 264 (02/07/2022)

Diumenge, 03 de Juliol de 2022

Podcast del programa de Rock and Roll SONIC REDUCER 264, emès originalment a Ràdio Cardedeu el 2 de juliol de 2022. Inclou: - BILLY IDOL - Bitter Pill - THE BLUE CARPET BAND - B-Movie Boogie - LEATHER BOYS - Decade of decadence - DIRTY RULES - You’ve got it - JOLLY JOKER - Fortune Teller - WOMBATS REVENGE - Be yourself - HOLY DEATH TRIO - Bad Vibrations - ELECTRIC PYTHON - Nothing to Lose - SPEEDEALER – Never New - THE HIP PRIESTS - Can't Abide With Me - RATLER - Blood Sweat and Beers - THE REGENERATORS - Whistlin' Past the Graveyard - THE HELLACOPTERS - Slow Down Take A Look - SAVAGE REMAINS - The Crusher - BROKENDOLLS – The Only - HOLLYWOOD GROUPIES - Pretty Bitch - DANZIG – Trouble - GOTTHARD – Fight - DIRTY SKIRTY - Red Light Go - DROP DEAD - Anarchy

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