Sonic reducer 312 (22/03/2025)
Dissabte, 22 de Març de 2025
Podcast del programa de Rock and Roll SONIC REDUCER 312, emès a Ràdio Cardedeu el 22 de març de 2025, inclou: - SATANIC YOUTH CLUB - Dollar Yen Euro - DUDLEY TAFT- Old School Rockin - REAL REJECTS - I'm Not Allowed - POOR LITTLE THINGS - Wait'n on the Line - BAD DOG - Pass the Warning - JUNKYARD DRIVE - Shoot From The Hip - CONTINENTAL LOVERS - Tape Deck - RAYMZ - We Are the League - FIGHTER V - Eye To Eye - DEATH BY UNGA BUNGA – Camouflage - LIME SPIDERS - Out Of Control - MAMMOTH MAMMOTH- Motherfucker - HOLY BULLS - TV Eye - NINE POUND HAMMER - Do You Remember Rock 'N' Roll Radio - FLOTSAM AND JETSAM - A New Kind of Hero - BLACK STAR RIDERS - Bound For Glory - DANZIG - It's Coming Down - JETBONE – Tonight - MOTÖRHEAD - CrazyLike AFox - CROSSPLANE - Rememberance
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